Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Muscle Spasm and Cramps

Read an article in About.Com about Muscle Spasm and Cramps. It is interesting as this is a common phenomenon among athlete especially football players and referees too. Muscle spasm and cramps can be very painful at times. Common areas affected are the back of lower leg (calf), back of thigh (hamstrings), front of thigh (quadriceps) and feet, hands, arms, and abdomen.
The causes of muscle spasm and cramps is still unknown but common reasons are due to altered neuromuscular control, dehydration, electrolyte depletion, poor conditioning, muscle fatigue or involving in a new activity. Heat and extensive sweating result in depletion of electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium which, are needed for muscle contraction.

Cramps usually go away on their own without treatment, but to help speed up the healing process it is advice to stop the activity that caused the cramp, gently stretch and massage the cramping muscle or hold the joint in a stretched position until the cramp stops.

Tips to prevent muscle spasm and cramps:
· Improve fitness and avoid muscle fatigue
· Stretch regularly after exercise
· Warm up before exercise
· Stretch the calf muscle
· Stretch the hamstring muscle
· Stretch the quadriceps muscle
· Most muscle cramps are not serious. If your muscle cramps are severe, frequent, constant or of concern, see your doctor.

Adopted from:


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